Thanks For Your Support!

To continue running our weekly sessions we rely on your generosity. Both of the crowdfunders we’ve run since our inception have been key to providing essential support for our production costs. We’ve hit our targets within a matter of days each time. So thanks, sincerely, for keeping us going.

As well as your financial goodwill, we really appreciate the kind messages you’ve left us. Knowing that many of you value our expertise provides us with the motivation to keep going too.

You can find and read the lovely messages from some of our supporters on our two crowd funder pages:



In addition, below are a list of supportive statements that were made around the first anniversary of Independent SAGE in May 2021:

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland

“The Covid-19 pandemic has been the hardest challenge anyone in public life has faced in decades. With a new virus there are no single voices who have all the answers. That’s where the range of experts who participate in Independent SAGE have been so valuable. While governments have access to SAGE, Independent SAGE has played a vital role in giving the public the best information in a manner that is able to be widely understood. Independent SAGE have been clear throughout their activity that the best course of action to protect lives and the economy is to try and get levels down to their lowest possible levels. I agree and that’s what I hope to continue to do in Scotland.”

Richard Horton, The Lancet

“Independent SAGE has been an invaluable voice of reason to support and guide the UK’s response to COVID-19. Its multidisciplinary composition, transparency and direct public engagement have been important comparative advantages. Independent SAGE has been a model of science in the service of, and accountable to, society.”

Jonathan Ashworth, Labour MP and Shadow Health Minister

“Independent SAGE has become indispensable in this crisis, cutting through ministerial spin, analysing data and the trajectory of the virus, drawing upon scientific expertise and offering policy solutions to save lives and suppress outbreaks. We owe them a debt of gratitude.”

Dr Fiona Godlee FRCP, Editor in Chief, The BMJ

From its launch, Independent SAGE has been a vital part of the UK’s response to the covid pandemic, holding the science and the politics up for expert and open scrutiny, providing the public with a trusted source of information and challenge, and setting a new standard in transparency and open communication for future scientific advisory groups.

Gary Lineker, sports broadcaster

“Independent SAGE has played a vital role in keeping the general public informed of what was really happening during the pandemic. This has been particularly important given the amount of misinformation that has been circulated.”

Caroline Lucas, Green MP

“Independent SAGE has been an invaluable source of evidence-based independent advice over the past year. As a politician, I’ve particularly welcomed the way it speaks out without fear or favour, clearly and impartially setting out the scientific basis for the conclusions it’s reached. The breadth of disciplines and experience it brings together, along with its international knowledge and reach, makes it an especially powerful and trusted source of information and advice.”

Layla Moran, Lib Dem MP and chair of APPG on Coronavirus

“Independent Sage has been invaluable in informing, promoting and challenging Government strategy and advice during this pandemic – and in so doing, I am convinced they have saved countless lives. The APPG on Coronavirus has drawn on their expertise throughout and is grateful for the time they have given in engaging with Parliamentarians across both Houses over the past year.”

Michael Rosen, children’s author and poet

“Independent SAGE questioned the narratives we were told right from the start of the pandemic. While others were doubting whether Covid-19 was dangerous, Independent SAGE warned us, called for public health solutions, and pleaded for urgency and universal application of measures. As someone who is a direct victim of the mix of do-nothing and too-late measures, I wish Independent SAGE had been listened to.”

Colm Gidernew MLA, Chair of the Health Committee of the Northern Ireland Assembly

“Independent SAGE has contributed enormously to the effort against Covid-19 in the past year. They have challenged policies of governments where necessary, provided robust evidence in support of their advice, participated in and facilitated open and transparent debate on the pandemic and defended the importance of good public health systems on behalf of everyone. Members have contributed positively to our discussions and we learnt much from their input, knowledge and experience.”

Jennifer Dixon, chief executive, The Health Foundation

“It was healthy to have an independent expert group, like Indie SAGE, to examine information and challenge received wisdom, and to do it publicly. Healthy because of contributing new perspectives, and different analyses, and of being able to air these transparently. In a democracy this is all crucial, and in an emergency like the pandemic doubly so to help steer policymakers on the right path and consider a wider range of arguments and paths forward. IndieSAGE has made a terrific contribution, and is a model for how independent advice might be sought in future.”

Dr Philippa Whitford, SNP Westminster Health Spokesperson

“Independent SAGE has provided access, for politicians and the public, to broader academic expertise on the behaviour of COVID-19 which is not constrained by established political viewpoints and policies. Its members have challenged all of us to take action, through the use of well established Public Health strategies such as Find, Test, Trace, Isolate and Support, as well as highlighting newer understanding or innovation. In particular they have challenged the false dichotomy of ‘the Economy’ versus ‘Public Health’ and promoted the principle of eliminating community spread to allow a safer return to domestic social and economic interaction. Sadly, they have often not been heeded!”

Bianca Jagger, social and human rights advocate

“I applaud the tireless work that Independent SAGE has been doing throughout last year to educate and inform people about what needs to be done to curb this dreadful pandemic. Their expertise and plain-speaking, particularly about inequalities, have been invaluable in these times.”

Nigel Edwards, Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust

“Independent SAGE has provided authoritative insights and having this type of challenge and an open debate on complex issues has made an important contribution to policy making and public understanding. Its focus on behavioural responses to the pandemic has been particularly helpful and has often filled a gap in other commentary.”

Michaella Palmer, BAME Pan-London Coordinator, Westminster City Council

“Dr Oni brought a progressive and extremely impactful message to the Pan-London conference. She encouraged local authorities and those in positions of power to realign their perception of public health from reactionary to an ongoing commitment. She explained that by reshaping social and environmental infrastructure, we can produce better outcomes for marginalised communities. As a result of her contribution, local authorities like Westminster City Council are dedicating more resources to maintaining our volunteer initiative ‘Westminster Connects’ as an ongoing element of our outreach to residents.”

Mark Maciver, “SliderCuts”, barber and social media influencer

“The [InstaLive] conversation [with Dr Tolu Oni of Independent SAGE] was veryinformative, honest and it made me personally feel a lot more comfortable with the idea of taking the vaccine. I know it made other people who listened feel that same way because [Dr Oni] answered every question and gave an understanding of the whole thing.” [A poll conducted after the 2 hour conversation showed that 63% of people who listened reported they were more likely to have the vaccine as a result of listening in]