Short Statement

Ending Of Free Tests Statement

February 18, 2022 Testing

Alongside NHS leaders, members of Independent SAGE condemn the reported decision by the Government to stop free COVID-19 tests and payments...

Short Statement

Statement On Covid-19 Testing At Immensa Health Clinic (Dante Laboratories)

October 22, 2021 Testing

Independent SAGE has previously identified the risks and inadequacies of the outsourcing of COVID testing within the UK. These issues...


Blueprint For Rebuilding Find, Test, Trace, Isolate And Support

October 16, 2020 Contact TracingMitigation MeasuresTesting

To accompany our 6-week emergency plan for reversing the growth of COVID-19 in England, we have developed a detailed blueprint for how to reform the test and trace system. This involves restructuring testing systems, devolving contact tracing within local regions and instutiting wrap-around support for isolation. We believe this can be done within 6 weeks. Read the full blueprint here .


Testing For Covid-19: The Why, The Who And The How

September 11, 2020 Contact TracingTesting

COVID-19 will likely remain in circulation for many years. Nevertheless, in the absence of widespread and sustainable population immunity (generated...


Press Release On Problems With NHS Test And Trace

June 19, 2020 Contact TracingTesting

Independent SAGE is deeply concerned about the current government contact tracing system. In our view is not fit for purpose.