Short Statement

Statement On Cuts To Laptop Allocation For Disadvantaged Pupils

October 26, 2020 EducationInequalities

Independent SAGE statement on cuts to the Department for Education allocation of laptops for disadvantaged pupils in England On 22nd...

Short Statement

Independent SAGE Emergency Statement On Universities In The Context Of Rising SARS-Cov-2 Cases In Late September 2020

September 28, 2020 EducationEmergency Measures

Since Indepent Sage's initial consultation on University reopening at the end of August, the situation has changed significantly. Cases are rising rapidly, particularly in young adults, and there are reports of rapidly deteriorating situations on some university campuses as universities attempt to manage the multiple crises of transmission, infections, and student welfare. In light of this we have updated our recommendations. Read the full statement and recommendations here . This statement represents the considered view of Independent SAGE. We welcome additional evidence and views that might enable us to improve upon it.


Response To SAGE Advice On Opening Universities

September 9, 2020 Education

The government's advisory body, SAGE, published advice on the reopening of universities. Much of it is similar to our own advice and we present an official response in this document. Click here for the full report .

Short Statement

Learning The Lessons From Reopening Schools In Scotland

September 4, 2020 EducationSafer Environments

In this brief report we set out a six point plan of actions for UK schools, learning from the initial weeks of term in Scotland. Click here for the full report .


Final Statement On Safe Return To Universities

September 2, 2020 EducationSafer Environments

This autumn will see the mass movement and migration of millions of people to university campuses and towns. This will...


Consultation Statement On Safe Return To Universities

August 21, 2020 EducationSafer Environments

In a new report for consultation, Independent SAGE recommends several actions for a safe return to universities.   These include:...


Consultation Report On Return To Schools

August 14, 2020 Education

In this short report we suggest five steps that we believe must be taken to allow schools to open safely...


Final Report On Returning To Schools

May 28, 2020 Education

Analysis by both SAGE & Independent SAGE reports show unsafe to open schools on June 1


Consultation On Return To School

May 22, 2020 EducationSafer Environments

Should Schools Reopen? Interim Findings and Concerns - please READ for more