

Strategy For Covid-19: Maximum Suppression Or Mere Containment?

February 26, 2021 Mitigation MeasuresPandemic Policy

Strategy for COVID-19: Maximum Suppression or Mere Containment? We welcome the following features of the UK Government’s Roadmap for England...


Timeline Of Independent SAGE Reports

February 23, 2021 Timeline

Our interactive timeline gives quick and easy access to all Independent SAGE reports in chronological order. Please click here for...


A ‘Sustainable Suppression’ Strategy For Keeping Society Open

February 19, 2021 Mitigation MeasuresPandemic Policy

The aim of this document is to outline an overall strategy for handling the COVID pandemic which protects the public...


Independent SAGE Briefing Note On Use Of Punishments In The Covid Response

February 16, 2021 Behavioural SciencePandemic Policy

Blatant and visible violations of Covid-safe rules and guidance are relatively rare and probably less important in spreading infection than...


How To Achieve Global Vaccine Rollout

February 12, 2021 InequalitiesVaccines

Viruses know no borders. Some, like SARS CoV-2 viruses, responsible for COVID-19,spread very effectively. As long as border controls are...


The Return To School: A Consultation Document

February 5, 2021 EducationEmergency MeasuresSafer Environments

Closing schools may be necessary when the pandemic is out of control, but it should always be a last resort...


Covid-19: Racialised Stigma And Inequalities, Recommendations For Promoting Social Cohesion – Briefing Note From Independent SAGE

January 28, 2021 Inequalities

One of the background issues that affects how people from minoritised ethnic groups are able to respond to government messages...


Report On Long Covid

January 27, 2021 Long Covid

Long COVID – when symptoms of COVID last for many weeks and months – affects people of all ages and...


Maintaining Adherence To Protective Behaviours During Vaccination Roll-Out

January 14, 2021 Behavioural ScienceMitigation MeasuresPandemic Policy

The roll-out of the new Covid-19 vaccines is welcomed. But it is not a ‘silver bullet’. There are two main...


Halting Geographic Spread Of Covid-19

January 14, 2021 Contact TracingMitigation MeasuresPandemic Policy

The virus causing COVID-19 spreads readily between people and it is this characteristic that makes it particularly difficult to control....


A ‘Safe Schools’ Policy For Re-Opening Education As Soon As Possible And Mitigating The Harms Of Closure

January 8, 2021 EducationEmergency MeasuresSafer Environments

This paper proposes a ‘safe schools policy’ aimed at mitigating the harms of school closure, ensuring the continuation of education...


An Urgent Plan For Safer Schools

November 27, 2020 EducationEmergency MeasuresSafer Environments

Independent SAGE and the EAGLE research group for education, have published a guidance note for safer schools following consultations with...