Independent SAGE Signs And “Scores On The Doors”
On 8th October 2021, Independent SAGE published a proposal for a simple messaging scheme designed to convey, in a non-technical and factual way, the technical results of mechanical and natural (‘fresh air’) ventilation assessments of indoor rooms and spaces in public buildings of all types. Explanations of the purpose, value, and evidence for such a scheme were articulated in that document. Following its publication, and feedback following an IndieSAGE ‘Friday briefing’, we set up a working group comprising
members from Independent SAGE, academia and industryi.
A month later, on 5th November 2021, the UK government launched a new campaign (“Stop COVID-19 hanging around”) to demonstrate ‘the importance of simple ventilation techniques’ (see also similar information campaigns in France). It was also reported on 23rd November 2021 that the Northern Ireland executive asked its Covid taskforce to “look at the potential of setting up a scores-on-the-doors type system to rate businesses on their compliance with rules and mitigations.”
Since December 2021, we have been working with early adopters and evolved a process leading to signage, currently being piloted.
To read more about this, access our latest report on this here.