Short Statement

Call For Global Action

December 22, 2021 InequalitiesVaccines

Covid-19 is a global pandemic. It can only be addressed on a global level. As long as the populations of...

Short Statement

Making A Plan For Household Mixing December 2021

December 20, 2021 ChristmasMitigation MeasuresPandemic Policy

Omicron is extremely transmissible. If anyone in a moderately-sized social gathering indoors (e.g., ten people meeting up in a house...

Short Statement

Emergency Statement On Omicron: 15 December 2021

December 15, 2021 Emergency MeasuresMitigation MeasuresPandemic PolicyVariants

The first articles alerting the world to a new variant, later designated Omicron, appeared only three weeks ago. It is...

Short Statement

An Immediate Response To The Omicron Variant

December 10, 2021 Pandemic PolicyVariants

As widely predicted, new variants of COVID-19 continue to emerge. Omicron was first reported from Southern Africa on 24th November, and...